G.E.M travels to the States to record her new album, becomes Sleeping Beauty

G.E.M who is currently in Los Angeles is treating her work as entertainment. She took time out to visit the Universal Studios. She stated in her blog that the swine flu had a big influence because the all staff at the airport wore surgical masks. She also bumped into Lau ! Yee Tat at the airport and took pictures with him. But due to ! the time difference she quickly became sleeping beauty. She even posted a picture of herself sleeping.
The folowing day she went to the Universal Studios with her colleagues. She praised the cartoon characters being very cute and took pictures with Spongebob Pants etc. Her male colleague took a picture with her and Shrek, but netizens assumed he was her boyfriend. However other netziens cleared up the misunderstandings.
You can visit G.E.M's blog here http://gem-tang.xanga.com
Source: The Sun
Translated by: Matchbox @ mediachamber.net
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